Monday, February 13, 2017

Gold Rush Scavenger Hunt

Who You Are:

It’s time to put on your pretending hat! You are going on a mission. The year is 1849, and gold has been found in California. You are excited by this news and have decided to travel west in search of riches and wealth. 

Your Mission:

You will be going on a virtual scavenger hunt to learn about what life was like for the 49ers traveling to California in search for gold. Will you be able to complete this dangerous mission out west?

To begin, watch the following video. Think about what you think the BIG IDEAS are before we get started on our journey. (Press play button to watch video.) 

Task 1: How will you get there?

Your first mission in this scavenger hunt is to decide how you will get west. Will you travel by land or by sea?


    Step 1:  Read pages 8-9 in “Life in the Old West: Gold Rush."
    Step 2:  Click on the following links for more information:
          By Land
               By Sea 
              Names of the trails
Step 3:   Complete the graphic organizer titled, Travel Worksheet to make your decision.

Task 2: Let’s get digging!

Now that you have arrived at your destination, it is time to get to work looking for gold!


Step 1: Read page 13 in “Life in the Old West: Gold Rush.”
Step 2: Record your thinking about strategies for finding gold on the worksheet titled, Diggin’ for Gold.
Step 3: Read page 14 in “Life in the Old West: Gold Rush.”
Step 4: Draw a picture of which tool you think would be most helpful to you and explain why on the worksheet titled, Diggin’ for Gold.

Task 3: What will life be like?  

Now that you are ready to work, let’s explore the roles that different groups of people played during the Gold Rush.


Step 1: Read pages 16 – 19 in “Life in the Old West: Gold Rush.”
Step 2: Complete the graphic organizer titled, The Roles of People in the Gold Rush.

Task 4: How did the Gold Rush effect Native Americans?

How were the Native Americans impacted by the Gold Rush and by Westward Expansion in general?  


Step 1: Watch the following video by clicking play.

Step 2: Read page 21 in “Life in the Old West: Gold Rush.”
Step 3: Answer the question: How were the Native Americans impacted by the Gold Rush? Record on the graphic organizer titled, The Roles of the People

Task 4: What were the effects of the Gold Rush?

In what ways was the Gold Rush successful? In which ways was it not?


Step 1: Read page 22 in “Life of the Old West: Gold Rush.”
Step 2: Read page 30 (Effects of the Gold Rushes) in Life of the Old West: Gold Rush.”
Step 3: In your own words, write a reflection about the Gold Rush on lose leaf paper. Remember, we are still pretending, so this should be written in the first person as if you went. Be sure to include:
-       Why did you go on the Gold Rush? (causes)
-       What challenges did you face?
-       Your opinion: do you think that the Gold Rush was worth the effort to go on? Explain why or why not?

Congratulations! You have completed your journey out west for gold!  
Did you find any gold?

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